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I'm not your typical Author, stemming from circus and performance I endeavour to construct narratives that entice your mind. It's what I like to do in my stage work, and likewise in my written work. 

My style of writing is rather unclassical, but I find that it forces a reader to be in my own shoes and embrace the characters I create. And all within the medium of comedic non-fiction.  






Don't Touch My...Aura... 

:What it means to be a Coronaphobe

Coronaphobe - Definition 
To recoil at any situation, including close proximity to any other human, bat, dog or being. 
The inability to stop feeling a sense of something being on your person at all times. GET IT OFF! 

The accuracy of this definition, sugar coats it a bit, don’t you think? Grossly underplaying the humongous fear and paranoia of our twenty-first-century pandemic. I am, as self-aware as the next, but how can you be absolutely sure you’re protected enough? This corona business could be stuck to a shoe, as you parade around wearing a coordinated PPE outfit into every shop, house or park. The advice given? Stay inside. Fine! Lovely! But what about groceries, hair care, that new game that just came out? Oh, then be careful. CAREFUL?! What kind of advice is that! What this outbreak has caused above all, is distrust. The paranoia gets to us all at some point or another. And with no outlets. Like I would ever consider ‘popping over’ to risk my own health, because you need to vent. Damn masks, I blame the masks. 

We will always remember the pandemic that forced us to fear clearing our throats in public or dissolving our fingerprints from the excessive amounts of hand gel used. For now, all we can do is have hope for life to return to normal. Whilst in the meantime, exuding ‘resting bitch vibes’ in all direction. 

Covid, you may have won this time. And you can have it. We don’t want it. Take your crown and leave!

In the works...

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A Quarter-Life crisis

A Backpacker's

Guide to privilege 


Freelance Writer.

Available for Content writing


Writing Samples

©2022 Ollïï Park

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